Sunday, June 27, 2010

Rock You Like A Hurricane...

So, sometimes I forget that I have a blog. I haven't been very good about writing (which I like to do) on it. I always have so many things I could say, or would write, but most of the time I don't feel all that motivated to do it...that and I really don't know who or how many people ever read this thing so there are definatly stories and things that I probably don't want to share in case for some reason I say something about someone, and they find out about it...

Oh blog, shall I tell you all my secrets? My life is fairly an open book. I share my feelings often enough that its really hard for me to have or keep major secrets, so I don't really have anything to tell...or do I...

Well, its definatly summer now...Next week will be the 4th of July!!!! I have two friends who are sisters, and they are I think 2yrs apart, but have the same birthday ON the 4th! That would be sooooo crazy to have your birthday on Independence Day, and then have a sibling be born on the same day a few yrs later! The 4th always comes up so fast! Its like tada! Here it is! Then its over just like that! Dosn't give you very much time to prepare for it!

Anyway, so far this has been a great summer! :) So many fun things have happend and more to come! One day I PROMISE to write a few of these things down, but for now I will just say things are good for once in a long time! I have wonderful friends and family that I would not trade the world for!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


So I realize that I get on Facebook Waaaaaay to much. I have noticed this to the point where I now sometimes think computer speak in my head! For instance, when someone says something funny I automatically think in my head LOL (laugh out loud). I think I use that when I type too much if I actually think about saying it aloud lol! (see I did it again)

Anyway, I noticed this fact the other day becasue one of my coworkers said I will brb (be right back) or I g2g (got to go) I don't remember which. Either way he didn't say the words he actually said B-R-B or whatever it was. I just totally cracked up. I told him sometimes I think of saying things like that in the real world also, which is really kinda lame right! At least I am not the only one who does that though apparanetly which made me feel like it was more justified or something.

well I g2g, but I will brb and ttyl! Lol!

This has been my random thought of the day! :)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Here I Blog Again

Yeah well I obviously haven't written anything in a few months...I started a blog hoping to keep updating it, but sometimes I forget that I even started a blog lol!

So what have I been up to? Work of course...It has been stressful, but it has its good days also. I am starting to feel like a lot of my work problems are washing away under the bridge, and I dont feel nearly as annoyed or depressed as I had a few months ago. I am learning not to take things that happen with people as seriously anymore. Especially when the problem is like running on a treadmill. You are running, but you aren't going anywhere...Of course I still have the "I wish" thoughts every now and again who dosent, but wishing dosen't making anything happen either...

Anyway, its Spring! I love spring! Its nice to get warmer and more motivating weather into our lives again :) I went to a St. Patrick's Day party at my friend Jaclyn's appartment. We ate green food and watched Darby O'Gill (lol! old live action Disney movie starring Sean Connery). It was fun and I got to see Xander! (Joe and Jaclyn's baby) He's such a cute kid :) I also got to visit with my friend Courtney who I hadn't seen in ages so that was nice.

Well thats about all for this one. I need to remember to post more often...maybe...we'll see.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Day after Chrsitmas

Happy Boxing Day! Don't ask me what Boxing Day is, becasue I always forget what it is and end up having to ask someone about it myself. All I know is that it is some other holiday which was made up as an excuse to celebrate Chritmas longer I guess lol!

Anyway, I am home from work and am getting ready to go see the new Shelock Holmes movie. It looks like it might be good, but I don't really like Robert Downing Jr. or Jude Law very much, so we shall see.

The store was pretty dead today. Probably becasue everyone is still celebrating the holiday. It is nice to have a more realxed pace at the moment. There might be a small crowd later on this week for the new year celebrations, but other than that I will be able to chill out for a bit.
IDK why I am wrting a blog... no one reads it, and I don't really say anything too interesting...
Maybe if I had more interesting things to say, I might be more inspired to write more. Or if I knew that anyone even cared what I had to say that would make a difference lol!

Right now though all I can really think of is how doomed some of my relationships with people have been recently, and get into a downright emo funk about it, and I don't need that right now. I need more positvie energy! I have been in this negative hole of a mood for sevral months, and I need to dig myself out! Nothing is majorly wrong, its just seems like there is perpetually nothing right! Kinda like the glass is neither half full nor half empty...Stuck in the middle...In the inbetween...but where do I start? How do I get out...Any ideas???
Oh well, this is my blog so I guess I can do whatever I want with it. I am very creative, so I know I will come up with something eventually :)

Till next time,
Happy Boxing Day!!!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!

So its that time of the year again. Usually I get really excited for Christmas, but it seems to have lost some of its charm when working in a supermarket. Work has been getting me down, and people are just so out of wack during this time of year, and they easily forgets the importance of what really matters. I will not let Christmas be ruined by all that though...I am so thankful for my friends and family. They are really great, and I have much love in my heart for them! I hope Christmas will be a happy time of the year for everyone, even the people who don't really care for holidays. I cant believe that the end of the year has come up so fast. I also hope that this will be a better year this year, and that I can get many things sorted out. I have a lot to accomplish and I just need to get motivated to do it...I have learned a lot this year, and I have become more outgoing than I used to. I hope that I will continue to gain more confidence, and be able to show that through my words and actions. Anyway I really dont have much to say otherwise I shall write more when I have more time.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I am a marshmallow

So I am all well again! 7 weeks of a broken ankle and I am now back to work and on the mend. I am glad to be working again for the most part, but some of it isn't that great. There is still a great deal of drama at the store. You would think that being away would be helpful, and it was, but at the same time it brought up a whole lot of other things back up that I wish would stay gone. I just can never leave anything alone and that is my downfall. I try to save things that just dont work! I am not going to go into it very much because it upsets me and makes me so mad! All I know is I will not be blamed for others actions anymore! Its not fair that I have to be dragged in the mud while other can go on having a good time. I just want to be accepted and understood...Is that so much to ask? Is it so much to ask to be loved and cared about? It is a new month and I need to keep my new outlook. I WILL not revert to my old way of thinking about things, and now I need new ways to approach situations. I need to take better care of myself first and foremost and that is what I am going to do. The title of this blog is I am a marshmallow, because one of my coworkers calls me that because I am too soft lol!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

BUSTED!!!!! O_o!!!!!!!

Okay, so two weeks ago, I was getting ready for work, and the phone rang. On the way to answer the phone in the living room, I tripped over a table (with a puzzle my brother and I were working on), then the carpet, and then myself. Well my leg went to the right and I fell onto myslef turing my foot sharply to the left. Pain, and a pop crunch noise followed. Needless to say I had picked up the phone, to answer a call that could have easily been picked up by the answering machine!!!! I knew right away that something was wrong with my foot. If it were a sprain I doubt my ankle would have made such a horrible sound. I was fairly certain that it was broken!!! Well as I had thought I had indeed broke my ankle! Luckily, the break was clean and I don't need sugery. 4 days into the process I was even placed in a walking cast, so thats good news for the healing process! However, this means I cant work for several weeks, and i am still hobbling around on crutches. The walking cast is good and all, but still a pain in the rear to figure out!!!! Man the stupidity of how it happened still gets to me! Who in the world breaks their ankle answering the stupid phone!!!!!! LOL! I am so glad that I am not in escrushiating pain, or have to be operated on!!!! I hope to heal soon, and that I will not repeat such unfortunate events in the future! So I still have a few more weeks in a cast...I havent updated my blog because one reads it anyway, and I have been avoiding doing anything at all since this happened. Oh well there is nothing I can do about it so work will just have to wait for me (which luckily I should be able to keep my job) Phewwww! I am trying to keep positve and I am going to try my hand at writing a few things again. Yes I know my grammer isnt the best, but I dont care so much about that till it becomes important lol!